Friday, April 12, 2013


                                                                    By: Mr. Acharya Chandra

New Bloom spreads, Fragrance and Freshness around
May the New Year add a New Beauty and profound

Warmth of love, Comfort of home
Joy to your kids and Success to your feet
Company and support of family n friends
Equality and equity to the each steps
May the NEW YEAR bloom with these wishes to all of my FRIENDS

Courage to seek n speak the Truth
Enrichment of knowledge n Richness of diversity
Helping hands to strengthen unity
Serenity n peace within the mind, heart n soul
May the NEW YEAR spread these wishes to all of my FRIENDS

Caring heart to accept purity n to treat all human beings equally
The desire to make it happen
A light to guide your path n the hand to hold
Even you feel alone and divine despair
May the NEW YEAR share these wishes to all of my FRIENDS

Hopes n dreams to sketch a nice Universe
Courage n energy to touch the Moony Rays
Capability n potential for your Excellence
Positivity n continuity until Chaitra 30, 2070 B.S.
May the NEW YEAR 2070 spread these wishes to all of my FRIENDS
